Nut Harvesters
We have motorised and hand-operated nut harvesters. The scale of your production will influence the type of equipment that is most suitable – and cost effective – for you.
If you have just a few trees, a manual Nut Roller may do the job.
A small family orchard might prefer a double-basket Push Harvester. Or a Pull-Behind Harvester that hitches on to your ride-on lawn mower to save time and effort.
A commercial operator may need a motorised solution with higher capacity.
We are the agents in Australia for Bag-A-Nut in the USA, as well as Kern Kraft and Feucht-Obsttechnik in Germany. Our hand-held Nut Rollers are made in the USA by Holt’s.
Nut Rollers
Nut Rollers are hand-operated and extremely easy to use. Save your back and knees! Suitable for a few trees or to clean up after a large harvest.
Push Harvesters
All sizes of push harvesters available, including:
12″ series (single basket): A0010, A0011 and A0012
18″ series (single basket): A5000, A5001 and A5002
21” harvester - includes 3 collapsible baskets and travel wheels
36″ series (double basket): A6000, A6001, A6002, A6003
Easy to operate; requires very little force. Just push it along and the nuts ‘flip’ into the black baskets at the front. Covers more ground than the Nut Roller. Push harvesters available for all nut sizes – from small acorns all the way up to pine cones and including honky (gum) nuts.
Pull-Behind Harvesters
All sizes of 36” pull-behind harvesters available, including A7000, A7001, A7002 and A7003. Easy to use; just connect to the back of your ride-on lawn mower using the universal hitch provided. The nuts ‘flip’ into the black baskets for easy collection. Plus, the brand new 42” PRO harvester with a bracket to position the harvester to the side of the vehicle.
Motorised Harvesters
A range of high-quality, ride-on motorised harvesting machines with hydraulic emptying systems for central collection of nuts in the orchard or processing plant, ready for transport. Machines include the OB70R (similar to a ride-on lawn mower), the OB80R (the most popular of the ride-on harvesters) and the OB100A (suitable for more extensive operations or contractors).
Made in Germany by Feucht-Obsttechnik.